Unnamed is a short narrative film written, directed, and starred by Te-Gao Hong. It is a comedy about sexuality among the young generation after the legalization of same-sex marriage in Taiwan. The film had its world premiere at the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival and US premiere at Frameline San Francisco International LGBTQ+ Film Festival.

Director: Te-Gao Hong, Chang Chun-Yu Screenwriter: Te-Gao Hong, Chang Chun-Yu Producer: Wang Yan Ping Cinematographer: Owen Chiu Production Design: Zhichen Editor: Owen Chiu Sound: Tsai Chia Ying Illustrator: Zhichen Cast: Te-Gao Hong, Chang Chun-Yu

A girl called Zhang Ya-Ting (which means gracious and beautiful) wants her name changed because she considers it too feminine. She goes to her best friend, a boy called Hong Jia-Hao for help. Her visit interrupts Jia-Hao's random sex with a guy he hooks online. In return, Hao exposes Ya-Ting's past lesbian tendencies. These two struggling souls argue again on the rooftop, debating on self-identity and love.